GST Input Credit Tutorial 04 – Purchases and a Hint to Negative List Understanding the Input, Input services and the Capital Goods on which Input tax credit is not available (Negative List under Input Tax Credit) along with the reason of covering the same under negative list.
this lecture is an introduction to the
negative list negative list is basically
a list of purchases in word supplies on
which input tax credit cannot be claimed
so in order to understand negative lists
the first thing that we’ll need to know
what exactly is included in purchases
under the app purchases are broadly
categorized into three categories inputs
capital goods and input services capital
goods is nothing but the goods the value
of which can be capitalized in the books
of accounts and that such goods are used
in the course of furtherance of business
again the concept of value addition it
is used to improve business directly
contributing to output well the
definition of input under the law is
very simple all goods purchased which
are not capital goods but again they
should be used for the furtherance of
business input services as you can guess
are nothing but services purchased for
use in business for furtherance of
business so these are the three types of
purchases inputs input services and
capital goods and on all three purchases
generally input tax credit is allowed so
this is an important point input tax
credit is in general situations
available on purchase of inputs capital
goods and input services so what are
those rare occasions where input tax
credit is not allowed on these purchases
remember our discussion on
disincentivizing overheads where the
government would want to incentivize
value addition it will try to balance
its financial resources by
disincentivizing overheads how by
putting the purchases which fall into
the category of overheads in something
called as the negative list now this is
not really stated anywhere in the law
this is a concept that we’ve built
by studying the input tax credit
provisions this concept would make it
very easy to understand the negative
list and it actually makes sense as well
and based on the concept of value
addition and overheads we have three
types of purchases the exempt purchases
ITC eligible purchases and the negative
list purchases on which IDC is not
available so in this section of the
module the first section we have seen
that the input tax credit is credit for
input tax on supplies and reverse charge
so input tax and reverse charge can be
claimed as credit to offset your output
tax liability that supplies include
inputs capital goods and input services
and negative list is the list of
supplies on which input tax credit is
not available