GST Filing & Registration Service for NGO

GST has been praised as a major tax change that will bring the whole country together in terms of taxes. Even though this has helped many industries, the introduction of the GST has also had an effect on charities and other non-profits. Even though they have a few special exemptions, these groups are still subject to the GST. So, in this article, we’ll talk about how NGOs can register for GST. We will also learn about the documents that are needed for NGO GST Registration.

What is an NGO?

A non-governmental organisation (NGO) is a group that works outside of the government and doesn’t make money from it. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), which are sometimes called civil societies, are groups that work on a local, national, or international level to promote a social or political goal, such as helping people or protecting the environment.

What qualifies as a charity activity for the purposes of the GST?

The Goods and Services Act also says what needs to happen for an activity to be labelled as a charitable one. Here’s what they are:

Services in the field of public well being, such as:

Counseling for people who are dying or helping people with physical disabilities
Giving help to people who have HIV or AIDS People who are addicted to alcohol can get help from this group.
Religion, spirituality, or yoga should be promoted.
Health and family planning education for the public
Getting people who have been physically or mentally abused to take part in educational or skill-building programmes
Helping People in jail
Helping children who have no parents, no job, or have been abandoned
Protection of the environment, such as watersheds, forests, and animals.

In simple words, A charity trust or non-profit organization must meet two conditions to be excluded from GST:

Section 12AA of the Income Tax Act says that the group must be registered as an NGO.
The entity must offer services that help other people.
If a charitable trust or non-profit organisation doesn’t meet the first two conditions, GST will apply, and the organisation will have to register for GST and file a GST return.

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