GST Input Credit Tutorial Video 06 – The Specific List

Understanding with reasons, the Specific List of Inward supplies on which Input tax credit is not allowed such as Food and beverages, outdoor catering, beauty treatment, health services, cosmetic and plastic surgery, membership of a club, health and fitness centre, rent a cab, life insurance, health insurance, travel benefits etc with the exceptions. this section is going to be all about

the specific list of supplies it’s the

second item on the negative list which

is there because it does not add any

value now it is a list insider list you

could think of the items on this list as

falling into the category of luxury

goods somewhat you know how luxury goods

work right the government does not

really need to promote or incentivize

luxury goods so these items don’t add

any value and they tend to be more

towards luxury goods there are four main

categories under this list the first one

is again a sub list of six items

generally falling into the category of

food beauty and healthcare there’s an

exception for this list we’ll get to the

details of this list in a bit the second

is on membership of club health and

fitness center so if you have an input

service that you’ve taken for membership

of club health and fitness center then

the access that you pay on such service

you cannot claim input Redditt on such

taxes how would this become an input

service for you if you give it as a


to your employees membership fees for

your employees is paid by the company

then it becomes an input service it is

used to motivate employees but the tax

you pay on this falls in the negative

list and you cannot claim it as input

credit for George the third in this

category is rent a cab life insurance

health insurance again it could be

inputs because you provided for your

employees the tax component on these are

not allowed as input tax credit except

in one case we’ll get to the exceptions

in a bit the fourth in this categories

travel benefits extended to employees on

vacation such as leave or home travel

concession well

you would know that LPA is a deduction

allowed under the income tax so this

could fall in the category of no double

tax benefit now examine all four

categories the first one definitely is

consumer facing food beverages health

beauty all of those are consumer facing

and they don’t really add any value to

your product membership of club is just

to motivate employees and not directly

going into any output so is the case

with rent a cab life insurance health

insurance as well as travel benefits and

that’s why this lists the specific list

falls under the category of no value

addition now let’s get into the details

of the first item on the list as I’d

mentioned this is again a sub list of

items there are six items that fall into

this category food and beverages outdoor

catering beauty treatment health

services cosmetic and plastic surgery

all of these will not directly

contribute to value creation except then

the inward supply is used to make

outward supply of the same category what

do you mean by this let’s check out an

example a wholesaler who sells cookies

sells these to a retailer the business

who buys this cookie and plays GST on it

now this business sells the cookies to

customers of its hotel business

now since cookies form part of food and

beverages hortal is also in the same

category it’s an exception to the

negative list and input tax credit would

be allowed let’s take another situation

the wholesaler sells cookie to the

business business pays GST but business

uses these cookies for staff welfare

there is an invert supply but there

isn’t any outward supply ITC will not be

allowed because this falls directly into

the negative list another situation same

example the business will use these


provide for its customers of health

service business now it isn’t in the

same category

cookies are food and beverages health

service and cookies don’t go along in

the same category and therefore input

tax credit will not be allowed and so

the exception for the first item in the

specific list is that invert supplies

should be used to make an outward supply

of the same category moving on with the

next exception in the list which is in

the third item render cab life insurance

and health insurance with an exception

what is this exception this exception is

in the case where the employer provides

these services to its employees now

there could be two situations why an

employer with provided one because some

law mandates the employer to provide

these services and two no law mandates

him but he just wants to give it as a

perquisite to motivate his employees in

situation one where it is obligatory for

the employer to provide to its employees

then input tax credit is available on

these services while the second case

where no lawman it’s the employer to

provide these services input tax credit

will not be allowed and so the exception

to the third item in the specific list

is that IPC is available on services

which are obligatory for the employer to

provide under any law it need not

necessarily be obligatory only under GST

under any other law in the Indian

Constitution if the employer is required

to provide such services then input tax

credit can be claimed

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